From Stack Machine to Functional Machine: Step 1

Loredana Cirstea
5 min readApr 25, 2020


Read on GitHub.

tags: Taylor , Yul, Ethereum, WebAssembly,ewasm

For illustrating our journey, we will use the Yul language (that compiles to Ethereum 1.0 and WebAssembly bytecode).

Anatomy of a Stack Runtime

object "ContractA" {
code {
datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
object "Runtime" {
code {
let _calldata := 256
let _output_pointer := 0

// Copy calldata at the _calldata pointer
calldatacopy(_calldata, 0, calldatasize())

// Read the first 4 bytes representing
// the signature of the called function
let fn_sig := mslice(_calldata, 4)

switch fn_sig
case 0xffffffff {
let result := 10
let result_length := 32
mstore(_output_pointer, result)
return(_output_pointer, result_length)
// other cases/function signatures
default {
// default case - revert with error code
mslicestore(_output_pointer, 0xeee1, 2)
revert(_output_pointer, 2)

function mslice(position, length) -> result {
result := div(mload(position), exp(2, sub(256, mul(length, 8))))

function mslicestore(_ptr, val, length) {
let slot := 32
mstore(_ptr, shl(mul(sub(slot, length), 8), val))

For any calldata that begins with 0xffffffff the above contract will perform <SOME COMPUTING>.

We could assimilate this behavior with a function that has a signature and the output is a number of bytes. This function may have an input (the rest of calldata starting from byte 5 up to the end)

f(some_bytes) => some_other_bytes

If we have the ability to parse the bytes into some defined types, we could consider that a function is a transformation from a type into another.

parse(some_bytes) => T1
parse(some_other_bytes) => T2
f(T1) => T2

T1 and T2 could be any type. They could be even the same type or the None type or a Tuple of a number of types. Even more: we may define functions as being types as well: by using the function signature. For a complete solution on type definitions and casting, one may use dType: a fully decentralized type system. But we leave that subject for another day or conference.

We could treat functions as types. Even better: we should treat types as functions by choosing a representative function. Such a function is the new function: it accepts as input the minimum number of arguments for a type creation.

x1 := new(uint(8))
x2 := new(byte(32))

For such dependent types (that need to know the “parent” type and the size), we can define the dependent signature:

sig1 := signature(signature(uint), signature(8))
sig2 := signature(signature(byte), signature(32))

And for simplification, we could consider signature(<number>) => <number> and the signature function as bytes4(keccak(<content>))

Calling a function from another function: apply

Let’s define the apply function:

apply(T1) => T2
T1 = Tuple(signature(f), input)
T2 = f(input)
apply(signature(f), input) = f(input)

An example would be:

object "ContractB" {
code {
datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
object "Runtime" {
code {
let _calldata := 256
let _output_pointer := 0

calldatacopy(_calldata, 0, calldatasize())

let fn_sig := mslice(_calldata, 4)

switch fn_sig
case 0xffffffff {
let internal_fn_sig := mslice(add(_calldata, 4), 4)
let input_pointer := add(_calldata, 8)

let result_length := dtapply(
return (_output_pointer, result_length)
// other cases/function signatures
default {
mslicestore(_output_pointer, 0xeee1, 2)
revert(_output_pointer, 2)

function dtapply(
) -> result_length
switch fsig
case 0xeeeeeeee {
let a := mload(input)
mstore(output_pointer, add(a, 2))
result_length := 32
case 0xdddddddd {
let a := mload(input)
mstore(output_pointer, sub(a, 2))
result_length := 32
// other cases/function signatures
default {
// default case - revert with error code
mslicestore(output_pointer, 0xeee2, 2)
revert(output_pointer, 2)

function mslice(position, length) -> result {
result := div(
exp(2, sub(256, mul(length, 8)))

function mslicestore(_ptr, val, length) {
let slot := 32
mstore(_ptr, shl(mul(sub(slot, length), 8), val))

Using 0xffffffffeeeeeeee000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a as calldata, we get 12. 0xffffffff applied 0xeeeeeeee on the input arguments (in this case, the value 10).

Using 0xffffffffdddddddd000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a as calldata, we get 8.

Functional interaction for apply

external Environment->Input Pointer:calldata
Input Pointer->Type Interpreter:type(calldata[4:end])
Type Interpreter->Parser:new T1 = parse(calldata[8:end], sig(T1))
Parser->Type Interpreter:T1
Type Interpreter->Type Interpreter:isFunction(T1)
note over Type Interpreter:if TRUE
Type Interpreter->Function Call:apply(T1)
Function Call->Type Interpreter:T2
Type Interpreter->Output Pointer:set(T2)
note over Type Interpreter:if FALSE
Type Interpreter->Output Pointer:set(T1)
Output Pointer->external Environment:return(pointer_contents)

In the above case, each function extracts the arguments that it expects, but this can become verbose and prone to errors.

We already have a type parser that is generated by on-chain type definitions by dType. Also, we have a Type Interpreter and Function Caller: it is the Pipeline intra-contract on-chain interpreter. More on this, in the next articles.

Recursive apply

object "ContractB" {
code {
datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
object "Runtime" {
code {
let _calldata := 256
let _output_pointer := 0

calldatacopy(_calldata, 0, calldatasize())

let fn_sig := mslice(_calldata, 4)

switch fn_sig
case 0xffffffff {
let internal_fn_sig := mslice(add(_calldata, 4), 4)
let input_pointer := add(_calldata, 8)

let result_length := dtapplyRecursive(
return (_output_pointer, result_length)
// other cases/function signatures
default {
mslicestore(_output_pointer, 0xeee1, 2)
revert(_output_pointer, 2)

function dtapplyRecursive(
) -> result_length {
switch fsig
case 0xeeeeeeee {
let a := mload(input)
mstore(output_pointer, add(a, 2))
result_length := 32
case 0xdddddddd {
let a := mload(input)
mstore(output_pointer, sub(a, 2))
result_length := 32
case 0xcccccccc {
let internal_fsig := mslice(input, 4)
// skip the 4 byte signature & the 32 byte value
let count := mslice(add(input, 36), 4)

let temporary_ptr := add(input, 4)

for { let i := 0 } lt(i, count) { i := add(i, 1) } {
result_length := dtapplyRecursive(
temporary_ptr := output_pointer
// other cases/function signatures
default {
// default case - revert with error code
mslicestore(output_pointer, 0xeee2, 2)
revert(output_pointer, 2)

function mslice(position, length) -> result {
result := div(
exp(2, sub(256, mul(length, 8)))

function mslicestore(_ptr, val, length) {
let slot := 32
mstore(_ptr, shl(mul(sub(slot, length), 8), val))

Using 0xffffffffcccccccceeeeeeee000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000004 as calldata, we instruct the 0xcccccccc function to apply the 0xeeeeeeee function on the value 40, 4 times. This means 40 + 2 * 4. We get 48.

Using 0xffffffffccccccccdddddddd000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000004 as calldata, we get 32: 40 - 2 * 4.

Function Persistence

We could save any type/function on-chain (for the EVM) or into a JSON file treated by Javascript (for Wasm ).

A persisted function is a combination of other functions in a recursive manner until the “leaf” functions are applied. The “leaf” functions are contained in the smart contract itself or in other (external) smart contracts or Wasm libraries (in the Wasm case). Such a system of editing and deploying functional combinations is already implemented by the Pipeline Editor.


The ideas above and the steps that will be described in future articles are even better implemented in the Taylor project. Taylor is an interpreted functional language with typing described by dType.

Next: Step 2

Recursive application is the “engine” of functional programming. In the next step, we will show applications of this engine.

Therefore, in the next article: Some functional patterns implemented in the same environment.

Read step 2: From Stack Machine to Functional Machine: Step 2 — Currying

Originally published at

